This page contains a list of exhibits and findings in the Jeffrey MacDonald case, as well as additional images, notes and resource links for some exhibits.

Helpful information:


Click anywhere on any exhibit heading to open and close that exhibit.
  Hover the mouse over this icon to see alternate exhibit designations.  GX indicates a Government Exhibit.  FBI Exhibits use either Q (questoned) or K (known) designations.  AFDIL indicates a DNA Exhibit designation.
  Indicates that images are included for that exhibit.
  Indicates that notes and/or other resource links are included for that exhibit.
  Indicates that DNA results are included for that exhibit.

Exhibit Notes

  Indicates that a note contains a link to a full transcript.

  Indicates that a note contains embedded information, such as images or additional notes.
Click on the note title to open and close it.
  Hovering the mouse over this icon will produce a text box showing a footnote.


Most exhibits contain Findings or other sections containing linked exhibits.
Hovering the mouse over linked exhibits in the Findings will show a description of that exhibit. Click on the linked exhibit to go directly to the container for that exhibit.  The container will appear at the top of the screen.

Click the Back button to return to where you were.
Hovering the mouse over linked exhibits in the Findings will show a description of that exhibit.

Click on the linked exhibit to go directly to the container for that exhibit.  The container will appear at the top of the screen.

Click the Back button to return to where you were.


Click to open and close photo sections.

Most images are thumbnail-sized by default.
Hover the mouse over the thumbnail image to see a text box containing an image description.
Click once on an image to enlarge or reduce it.

Move a large image by dragging it (hold down the left mouse button on the image and move it).