Photos of what may be Exhibit O in kitchen

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U.S. Government photos (closeups created by webmaster)

Possible brown soup cup with white design (curcled by webmaster) in kitchen drainboard
Possible brown soup cup with white design (curcled by webmaster) in kitchen drainboard
Closeup of possible brown soup cup with white design (behind coffee cup; curcled by webmaster) in kitchen drainboard
Closeup of possible brown soup cup with white design (behind coffee cup; curcled by webmaster) in kitchen drainboard
Possible brown soup cup with white design (behind coffee cup; curcled by webmaster) in kitchen drainboard
Possible brown soup cup with white design (behind coffee cup; curcled by webmaster) in kitchen drainboard
Closeup of possible brown soup cup with white design (behind coffee cup; curcled by webmaster) in kitchen drainboard
Closeup of possible brown soup cup with white design (behind coffee cup; curcled by webmaster) in kitchen drainboard
Possible brown soup cup with white design (behind coffee cup; curcled by webmaster) in kitchen drainboard
Possible brown soup cup with white design (behind coffee cup; curcled by webmaster) in kitchen drainboard

CID Findings

March 29, 1972:  USACIL Consolidated Report

Webmaster note:  Although this exhibit is mentioned on page 16 USACIL Consolidated Report, page 16
USACIL Consolidated Report, page 16
of the USACIL Consolidated Report, this writer can find no reference to an examination of it in that report.

Webmaster note

In the Notes for this exhibit (see below), Hilyard Medlin refers to "cups." However, other than Exhibit O, this writer can find no reference to any other cup in the list of CID exhibits, and Medlin makes no specific reference to Exhibit O. By "cups," he is assumed by this writer to be referring to the soup-type cup (Exhibit O) and to two cups with handles which can be seen in the kitchen drainboard in crime scene photos. The CID appears to have labeled those two cups as 8-oz. drinking glasses (see Exhibits R1 and R2).

It is also notable that during Medlin's July 14, 1970 testimony, Colonel Rock refers to exhibits P through T, but not to Exhibit O, and that this writer can find no record of any examination of Exhibit O in the CID lab reports.

For more information about the drinking glasses, saucers and plate recovered from the MacDonald residence and retained as evidence, see the following exhibits:

P Drinking glass, small w/stem
Q Drinking glass, balloon type
R1 Drinking glass, 8oz
R2 Drinking glass, 8oz
S1 Saucer, coffee cup type
S2 Saucer, coffee cup type
T Plate


February 17, 1970 - April 10, 1972: Excerpts from CID Reinvestigation    

July 14, 1970: Discussion at the Article 32 hearing

July 14, 1970: Hilyard Medlin (CID) at the Article 32 hearing    

July 31, 1979: Hilyard Medlin (CID) at trial